Colonized by Humanity - A book by GPI Trustee Dr Rob Waters

October 10, 2023

The George Padmore Institute is happy to announce that our trustee Dr Rob Waters has published one of the first book-length studies of the history of Britain's integration politics in the wake of the Windrush era.

Colonized by Humanity: Caribbean London and the Politics of Integration at the End of Empire (Oxford University Press) is a study of racial liberalism at the end of empire. It uncovers the projects to cultivate racial integration developed in the two decades between the arrival of the Empire Windrush and the passage of the first Race Relations Act. These were the years that integrationism took hold as a social phenomenon, its reflexes lodged deep in an English culture that took the idea of 'tolerance' as its watchword. It was a culture that re-inscribed race even as it aimed at overcoming its discriminations.

Caribbean London is at the heart of this story. It was in the capital that integration projects multiplied fastest, and it was the multicultural capital that provided integrationism's imaginative geographies. Viewing integrationism through the eyes of Caribbean Londoners, Colonized by Humanity allows us to see it as they did, with its colonial and racial dynamics up close.

The book is available to purchase here.


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