The George Padmore Institute (GPI) is a registered charity and relies on income from grants and donations. Your support helps us maintain the archive collections and cover the costs involved with running the Institute such as staff, building maintenance and holding activities such as lectures and workshops.
We gratefully appreciate all support, whether a single contribution or a regular donation. Please also consider leaving a gift in your will.
Regular donations or a single contribution can be made with PayPal via the button below.
To set up a direct debit for regular donations or to make a bank transfer, our details are CAF Bank, sort code 40 52 40, Account Number 00035060.
Alternatively, you can send a cheque (in UK £ Sterling) made payable to the George Padmore Institute. Please post to the GPI at 76 Stroud Green Road, Finsbury Park, London, N4 3EN, UK.
Email us for any queries at